An attempt to visit every suburb in Sydney.

This next post is the final suburb I collected prior to this virus-induced apocalypse. In case you haven't seen my other announcement...

Checkpoint: Berala

This next post is the final suburb I collected prior to this virus-induced apocalypse. In case you haven't seen my other announcements, due to the government coronavirus restrictions, it would be illegal (and irresponsible) for me to be puttering around exploring Sydney at the moment, so this is going to be my last regular post for a (hopefully short) period. Rest assured, I'll be back once the restrictions are lifted.

Anyway, here's


It would've been nice to cover something a little bit more interesting prior to taking my pandemic leave, but this completely average suburb just west of Lidcombe is what we have instead.

Leaving the cemetery-cum-suburb that is Rookwood, it was a short walk for me to enter Berala, only having to contend with crossing three traffic lights to make a single unpleasant main road crossing.

Upon entering the suburb, I was immediately by Coleman Park, a local park which the council clearly does not expect you to visit on foot, with the traffic lights having no pedestrian crossing. Ah Sydney.

After jaywalking into Coleman Park, I found a good series of sports ovals for the locals to enjoy, but nothing that would have you come just to check it out.

Crossing the park, I emerged on the other side to explore the suburb proper.

Here, I found just some very standard Western Sydney residential suburbia.

Houses inspired by the post-war Southern European immigrants,

houses that can't work out if they're made of wood or brick,

acceptable footpaths,

and the routine mixture of small fibro or weatherboard,

next door to the big and new.

I did find this house adorable though.

And this one reminds me a little bit of an old-school Pizza Hut.

Continuing through suburbia, I soon stumbled upon something I didn't expect to see here.

This is Lingyen Mountain Temple, a Buddhist Temple tucked amongst residential Berala.

The red and gold facade certainly brightens up otherwise pretty average residential Berala.

But Berala's not entirely residential, it's also got a commercial centre. Handily, it's not too far a walk from the temple, with the road there hugging Berala's train line.

On the side that I was on, the commercial area could really only be described as a quiet corner.

From here though, you can take a tunnel underneath the train line to get to the other, more substantial side.

This, however, feels much more of a place of business than leisure, with the stores of Berala essentially offering up the essentials only, groceries, meat, medicine. There are one or two restaurants here, but most of Berala CBD is essentially just a no-fuss household supplies destination for the locals.

This was fine by me, as I picked up some groceries for the night's dinner and headed home.

Berala: It's okay, but not worth spreading a virus around for.

Thanks for reading. If you're not already, please consider subscribing (email, Facebook or Instagram) so that you'll know when I come back for more suburban shenanigans. In the meantime, I'll sit at home and continue growing my scruffy pandemic beard.


  1. Ahh Berala.. possibly best known for a mention in that song "driftin in my capella". cultural icon.

  2. Hi Yaz, I've got a question for you now that we all have some forced downtime to contemplate the important questions in life:

    Are there any suburbs you would revisit/redo now given the benefit of hindsight and experience in visiting a broader range of suburbs?

    1. Hey there. I can't say that there are any in particular that I want to specifically go back to and cover again differently, but one thing I do always enjoy is when people comment under a suburb and say "Hey you forgot to do this!"

  3. You should stick to your other day job! You call that a review of a suburb - you got rocks in your head.

    1. I'll get to my local neurogeologist for a scan ASAP.
