This is the last instalment of "notable stops" featured in the Blacktown video. The culmination of a misnamed market, an impressive temple, and okay-suburbia make for a surprisingly competent suburb.
As a suburb, Glenwood sits in our northwestern quarter. It's administered by Blacktown Council, but it pretends to be part of The Hills.
The first stop on this Glenwoodian adventure is Parklea Markets. Contrary to its name, these markets actually sit outside the bounds of neighbouring Parklea, but are in this suburb instead. I'd never been here before so I was keen for an explore.
Growing up, my folks frequented the hotbed of humanity that is Paddy's Markets in Homebush West, so I was expecting something similar. Sadly, things seem a bit less dramatic here.From here (and after being stopped by the actually very polite security who thought I was casing the joint), I continued on to explore the suburb proper.
Suburban Glenwood turned out to be a perfectly pleasant piece of suburbia. Modern houses without too many monstrosities, green grass and wide footpaths characterise this place.

Throw in a sporting field or two,
and Glenwood turns out to be the kind of perfectly pleasant, yet entirely forgettable Western Sydney suburb that this city is filled with.
Bonus solar gang.
There is, however, one point of interest left which elevates this suburb from forgettably pleasant to actually kind of cool.
And with that, tired from a day of filming myself walking around the streets of Blacktown, and running out of sun, I called it a day.
Glenwood: I wanted to write "Fully Sikh" as the tagline but Mrs Completing Sydney said it was too lame.
Oh, and before I sign off, a quick announcement.
For a few months now, I've reduced to one post to a week due to Covid. I'll be ramping back up to normal now with two posts a week again (Thursday and Sunday). So I'll see you Thursday then.