This next suburb is part of that bit of the Northern Beaches which isn't actually on the beach. That makes it just a Northern suburb.
Getting into Seaforth by public transport is not a difficult affair. I took a bus from the city, got out once we crossed The Spit Bridge, and then crossed an outrageous intersection on foot,
to make it into both the edge of the suburb, but also the town centre.
Unlike many suburban centres, however, this one isn't too inviting to a casual passerby due to the high road traffic and fence through the middle of the street.
There's a quiet street frontage as a result.
Save for one coffee shop, which was going off. This is Sydney, after all.
Not too impressed with the suburb's beginnings, I carried on,
winding up at something calling itself Seaforth Piazza.
This seems to be a combination of this criss-crossy building (the Community Centre),
this old buiding (the library),
and a chalkboard. I dig it.
I left the pedestrian unfriendly CBD,
to see what suburban Seaforth might offer.
This involved gaining elevation.
A process which took me by some fancy houses,
and some which clearly get some sweet views out of their back window.
As such, I looked to see if I could unlock any views of my own. After all, this is a waterside suburb.
After spotting a promising point on the map, I took off down the encouragingly named Panorama Parade.
A good start so far.
Follow it far enough and you hit what is essentially a suburban cliff with a view of The Spit Bridge and water.
The trees do stop it from being a true open vista, but they also probably stop the cliff from collapsing, so I think it's a net neutral.
I retraced my steps to carry on,
finding a seemingly constantly rising suburb,
and even an old Rolls Royce having a wardrobe malfunction.
Ultimately, suburban Seaforth does seem to be about large houses at high elevation.
I struggle to define it any other way.
It also seems pretty well-to-do. For instance some old bloke drove past me on the footpath in a golf cart, if that isn't rich guy behaviour I don't know what is.
Even this No Through Road sign looks kind of fancy.
After waiting a needlessly long time to cross the road here owing to the fact that this otherwise normal suburban street is a major arterial road for this suburb for some reason,
I crossed and took the first curved street of the suburb.
This took me past a very small strip of local shops which I forgot to photograph properly, getting too excited that the suburb features a diving shop.
Other than that, I continued through this calm place,
reaching a bushy bit,
with a shrine to the apparent late king of Seaforth "Arty". I found nothing on Google about such a king, so I assume he was a local Seaforthian who founded the diving shop under his crown.
With that history lesson behind us, I walked down this hill,
to a currently-closed park where you can jump your bicycle over dirt hills,
and where someone's made their displeasure known about tree vandalism by drawing some dicks on the council's sign.
This way carries on to a very short bushwalk,
surprisingly featuring the kind of picnic benches where I imagine a Californian would get eaten by a grizzly bear,
and back to street level.
From here I was able to hop onto one more short and bushy path,
to cross this bridge into my next suburb.
Seaforth: Why do you need a diving store when you live so high anyway?