An attempt to visit every suburb in Sydney.

My next Western Sydney steps are in Oakhurst

Professor: Oakhurst

My next Western Sydney steps are in


Oakhurst sits immediately south of my previous suburb, Hassall Grove

One way to enter the suburb is by walking down this snazzy path, 

onto this residential street. 

Similar to Hassall Grove before it, this street demonstrated a patch of unassuming, red brick, Western Sydney suburbia,

although special call out goes to the enterprising chap that lives here, who will marry you, get you a certified copy of your birth certificate, and fill out your taxes all in an afternoon. 

Anyway, I followed the street onto the main Rooty Hill Road, 

where Oakhurst enjoys this pleasingly empty patch of grass. 

The main reason I came to this patch of grass is because Google Maps told me there is a heritage site.

It turns out that this is the former site of the colonial-era Blacktown Native Institution. The NSW Heritage Register describes the site as "a site of State significance... [that] played a key role in the history of colonial assimilation policies and race relations." While the site has historical significance, the in-person experience is bit of leftover rock behind a wire fence, and so probably isn't the most engaging point of interest for someone looking to learn about the local history in a more visual way. I'd probably suggest just reading the entry on the government's register rather than making the trek out.  

A non-historic, flashier site that's also here are these giant flowers, presumably to entertain the drivers as they wait at the lights. 

With my amateur bout of archaeology done for the day, I left this bit of the suburb, 

and headed to the international criminal court. 
Hague Place

Speaking of crimes against humanity, next to The Hague is perhaps the most dilapidated children's playground I've ever seen. 

I occasionally do run into something like a smashed or burned out car when I'm out exploring, but this is the first time I've seen one modelled in a kids' playground.

The children of Oakhurst can also enjoy playing on one of these, complete with penises hand drawn on its dust. 

The bench-bin-bubbler combo seems pretty good though. 


Also around here are a bunch of really big houses. 

This one comes in denim. 

I also saw this house with dangly bits outside.

After that short walk in Europe, I was satisfied with the Oakhurst coverage and continued to my next suburb.

Oakhurst: Where I stretch a lame joke about one street name for an entire half post. 


  1. I drive past that historic site 6 days a week on my way to and from work, I never even knew what it was! Thanks for that.

  2. Every afternoon kangaroos hang around that site even in the mornings
